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Steps on how to rent from us

Open House Schedule:


Nothing is scheduled at this time. As soon as a time is scheduled it will be posted online. Please check back soon!




Step 1

Click here to see our current offerings.


Step 2

Make sure you meet the following qualifications:​

  • EVICTIONS AND/OR FORECLOSURES; Applicants with any court filed evictions or foreclosure on their record(s), within the last 7 years or more than 3 evictions in the last 10 years.

  • JUDGEMENTS; Applicants with unsatisfied judgments in the last 7 years will be denied. Applicants with unsatisfied judgements exceeding $10,000 will be denied.

  • INCOME; Your income must be verifiable and your total take home income needs to be at least three times the amount of the rent in order to qualify. 

  •  RENTAL HISTORY; You must provide contact information for both your current and prior landlord. Your application will be denied if, after making a good faith effort, your current and prior landlord cannot be contacted to verify your rental history. If you previously owned a home, you must provide contact information for the mortgage company, if applicable, as well as proof of ownership.

  • CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS; If you have been convicted of manufacturing or distributing a controlled substance as defined in sec. 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U. S. C. 802) your application will be denied. If you have been convicted of any other crime that shows a demonstrable risk to tenant safety and/or property within the past six (6) years your application may be denied after consideration of the nature and severity of the crime and the amount of time that has passed since the criminal conduct occurred. Additional factors may also be considered on a case-by-case basis. You should provide any mitigating information or documentation that you would like to be considered regarding any prior conviction along with your application.


Step 3

If you are interested in renting one of our homes and meet the qualifications in step 2, see above for the open house schedule. Open House times are posted after they are scheduled. You must view the inside of the property prior to completing an application. No rental application(s) will be accepted prior to viewing the inside a property. 


We do not do individual showings.


No appointment needed, just enter the property at the scheduled open house time! To ensure a viewing of the property get there right when the open house starts.


Step 4

At the open house you will be given the instructions on how to complete and submit a rental application. 


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